who we are.

  • We are dedicated to delivering top-quality electrical services, innovative solutions, and unmatched customer support. Our commitment to excellence drives us to continuously evolve and adapt to our clients needs in this industry.

  • Nurturing strong and lasting customer relationships is at the heart of our business philosophy. We believe that the foundation of our success lies in the trust and satisfaction of our clients.

  • Our team is comprised of union electricians that undergo rigorous training and education programs, ensuring they are the best in the industry.

Why we do it.

  • We take pride in ensuring every project we undertake meets and exceeds industry standards, providing our community with safe, reliable, and efficient electrical solutions.

  • We do what we do because we genuinely care about our community. Our focus is on understanding your unique needs and providing tailored solutions.

  • Sync Electric Inc. is passionate about advancing electrical innovation and staying at the forefront of industry developments. By doing what we do, we contribute to a more sustainable and electrifying world.

see our work today.